The last couple of months has seen me weaving additional work for my upcoming solo exhibition in May. These will complement the Majura series of tapestries, which make up most of the work for exhibit.
I thought I’d share a little insight into how one of these pieces has evolved… from using reference photos of a visit to Woolshed Falls (Vic), to collage, cartoon, and finally tapestry.

You can see the biggest change to the design is in comparing the original collage and the cartoon. My work is often based on my memory, feelings and experience of place, rather than replicating an exact scene. So I think of each tapestry as more of a dreamlike manifestation. But also I just really love colour!
The tapestry shown here is a sampler. I wanted to test the colours and design before weaving the full-size piece. I was quite happy with the result overall, but I did make a few adjustments for the final version. You can see Woolshed and many of my other tapestries on exhibition at M16 ArtSpace, 16 May – 9 June 2024.